The Stretch.Tea.Talk Motherhood
The Stretch.Tea.Talk Podcast
14. Menopause Mama Series: Sharon

14. Menopause Mama Series: Sharon

Discussing life as a newly 60 year old after the menopause, being a full-time carer, losing both your children, healing yourself, irrational moods, keeping memories cathartic, finding real support.
Podcast no. 14, 21.06.2023

Happy Summer Solstice listeners!

This new series of Menopause Mamas includes our first guest, Sharon from Somerset, UK.

Sharon has had such an incredible life journey, it would’ve been a joy to share all her wonderful stories we recorded together but alas, we tried hard to focus on the menopausal times!

Sharon started her menopause journey quite late into her 50s and feels that being on the Mirena IUD since her 40s may have contributed to her ‘getting off lightly’.

We discuss her symptoms of irrationality and getting annoyed with her husband (whom she still loves dearly!) and also, the possibility that being in flight mode for so long after caring for her two disabled children contributed to the short experience of menopausal moods.

You can hear how full of fond memories Sharon is and how she dotes on the special motherly moments her two children blessed her with.

Sharon’s children passed at age 22 and 17 and perhaps she found her menopause journey easy because she’d already been equipped with so much strength from within, knowing one day she would lose both of them.

It was an absolute pleasure listening to her, and thankful for the reminders we, as mothers, as females, as deeply hormonal beings, often need to hear:

Do what you can little by little, ask for help without shame, find real friends and look after YOU.

Sharon says she dealt with her menopause by writing therapeutically, changing her dietary needs, enjoying hydrotherapy, getting grounded, and meditating as much as possible. Sounds holistically healthy to me!

Credit: Music:

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The Stretch.Tea.Talk Motherhood
The Stretch.Tea.Talk Podcast
The STT Podcast includes monthly interviews with everyday superstar mothers, no celebrity status is needed. Sharing real, raw, and unfiltered stories from all kinds of mamas around the world. All series have three episodes each.