The Stretch.Tea.Talk Motherhood
The Stretch.Tea.Talk Podcast
15. Menopause Mama Series: Melissa

15. Menopause Mama Series: Melissa

Discussing body changes, having hot flashes during work, confusing times mentally, not knowing whether it's the menopause or a thyroid condition creating discomfort and enjoying a daily beer.
Podcast no. 15, 21.07.2023

July’s podcast guest, Melissa, joins us from Cape Town, South Africa.

Melissa shares that after becoming a grandmother, her periods suddenly stopped, at the young age of 43. Her menses never returned and she started to feel the mental effects of feeling out of touch with her body.

Her symptoms of up to 50 hot flashes a day and severe insomnia often left her feeling unwell.

Melissa tried HRT but struggled with the bloating and so didn’t continue the tablets. She was also prescribed sleeping tablets but this did more long-term damage than good so went cold turkey with both of those.

She also struggles with a thyroid issue which complicates knowing what is a menopause symptom and what is not.

She has tried various herbal supplements and reports that they provided some sort of short-term comfort but nothing she can swear by, except for, perhaps, a daily beer!

Her advice for any menopausal woman is to get fresh air, eat well and try exercise. She also recommends a great Facebook group; The Private Menopause Room.

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The Stretch.Tea.Talk Motherhood
The Stretch.Tea.Talk Podcast
The STT Podcast includes monthly interviews with everyday superstar mothers, no celebrity status is needed. Sharing real, raw, and unfiltered stories from all kinds of mamas around the world. All series have three episodes each.